Don't hate the playa, hate the game!
I have ALWAYS hated the game playing! I'm more of a straight forward, say what you mean, mean what you say gal.
In school, we had to play games to get good grades. Not for exams, but for overall grades in classes. Even if I got 100% on all my math tests, I couldn't get an A in the class unless I submitted to hours of meaningless, mind numbing homework. The homework was bullshit. If I can get 100% on an exam WITHOUT doing 80-some problems of homework per night, then I obviously didn't need to do my homework.
In orchestra I was once told that I couldn't be 1st chair because I was on a scholarship and the person who was 1st chair had parents who were donors. How does that have anything to do with being a section leader? It was a parental money game...
In college, I had a roommate that had a sexist poster about "The rules." I think it had a rose, a lipstick and a gun (?) on it. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. Get it, rules, for THE GAME. But essentially these rules were like games for dating. And the STUPIDEST game for dating is who calls who and when. WHY CAN'T WE JUST CALL?
I have honor, and integrity, and think that if I do the right thing and work hard I'll be rewarded. But it really hasn't worked that way. I've seen good things come to those who don't deserve it, and some of the MOST deserving never get a reward.
So screw it, I'm going to play the game. And really, I should ultimately get what I want. Here I come....
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