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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Square Peg, Round Hole

The concept of trying to "MAKE" a relationship work is craziness people! Sure, everyone has to work at it, and put forth some effort. But if something isn't working, how does forcing it, MAKING it, help anyone?

My car-dealer guy just told me that he is currently trying to "make it work" with someone he has been seeing on and off for three years. I imagine it's like the analogy of attempting to fit a square peg into a too small round hole (see pic above). Sounds like a good time to cut your losses and run to me!

On and off again, seems like a bad plan to me. Accept it for what it is, or has become.

Even though I feel stupid for having asked him out, at least I know that I tried. One of these days that simply HAS to pay off!


At 1:08 PM, Blogger just sam said...

The key it to keep trying. Don't quit. Don't surrender. Survival is victory and the sun will still come up. Or as my friend says, "You are gonna' be 40 regardless of what you do. So why not keep trying to find someone?" He's a pretty smart guy.


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