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Monday, September 01, 2008

Dating vs. Stalking

I had a date Friday night. Things got off to a weird start...

He picked me up, and the microchip in the key to his car short circuited. Of course, his car was in my driving, blocking my car (in my garage). He called AAA to see about getting it towed, repaired, and a loaner in the mean time.

The AAA call didn't go well. He apparently forgot to renew his membership so he was no longer a member. He renewed it over the phone. Tempers may have been heating up at this point.

Next, the place he wanted it towed is no longer a AAA approved mechanic. He was not happy with this info either. They would have to tow it to the dealership which is about 20 minutes from his place.

Lastly (and about an HOUR later) the phone call to the car rental place did NOT go well. he was rude, short, and MEAN to the people on the other end of the phone. If this is "best behavior" as practiced on a second date, I would HATE to see how pissed he really would have been!!!

We did finally end up going out that night, and it was OK.

The following morning he called me at 8:00 AM. Dude, my mom knows better than that! He proceeded to call me 6 times on Saturday, send 4 e-mails, and 8 texts. In fact, when I didn't respond soon enough he started getting concerned for me. I got one "are you OK?" text and a voicemail as well.

The next morning, I got two more phone calls (8 AM AGAIN!!!) and two more texts. If I was ever interested in seeing him again, the pushiness and neediness have TOTALLY put me off. It feels controlling! Like stalker-ish style controlling! We've been out twice, I'm not your girlfriend, so CHILL OUT!

I do NOT respond well to the controlling nature of men.

Like curly hair, wild horses, and the weather, I will NOT be contained or controlled!


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Blox said...

Okay, but . . . hypothetically, if the date had gone REALLY well, and you were REALLY, REALLY hot for him . . . would you still consider it stalking for him to call you a bunch, or just flattering?

Give us stalkers a chance! :)

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Phaedra said...

TOO MANY CALLS! And texts.... and e-mails.....

Now that I have told him "no thanks" he turned somewhat hostile too. Great!

At 8:48 AM, Blogger just sam said...

I have to admit that's a little creepy. Maybe a lot creepy. Or maybe you just don't know how great you could be together...Just let him love you. Why won't you let him love you? What's the matter with you? Hello? Are you OK? Hello?

That's it it's over!


It really does get better when you find the right one.


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