If you didn't know it before now, it's news

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I had a Dr. Appt this afternoon (to figure out why I can't bend my right index finger, the x-ray shows I'm normal, which is nice to know but doesn't explain anything). When I got back to work I had new voicemail messages.

One of them was my favorite kind (the kind that get transferred to someone else) and the other was a call from the DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR A SECOND INTERVIEW!!!!

This DNR job is da bomb, yo. It's a pretty high level position, budgeting for all the State Parks. It pays so much more than my current job where I'm over-utilized and under appreciated and work with people who eat their scabs (I told my Doctor about it and she said, "Don't touch ANYTHING he touches!!").

Please send me positive energy and well wishes next Wednesday (the 14th) around 2:00 PM. I'd take that energy earlier in the day too. =)


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

~~~~ positive radiation headed your way

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! ! ! ! ! ! !!
DNR! DNR! I love the DNR!
My head already hurts from sending that positive engergy!
You are so gettng this job!
It has been my experience that astrology works best if you look at it as a general trend. So check this out!

Now let's turn to your career, which is about to bring some of the very BEST news of the month! Thanks to the full moon, June 11, plus or minus four days, you should see major attention and accolades for your work.

It is clear your stature is on the rise now, and it will be a delicious moment to enjoy. You may see some sort of long project reach fruition at this time, or you may be given an award. One way or another, fabulous career news appears to be heading your way. June 11 will be a Sunday, but keep in mind that events may occur just prior to the weekend, or in the days that follow (June 12 - 15).

SO your interview is right on time. YAY!!

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Phaedra said...

Basically, it's written in the stars for me to work with State Parks.

I like that idea!!!!

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed!!!


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