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Monday, May 29, 2006

Just What I Needed

This is a TRUE STORY. I got this e-mail about an hour ago, on my friendly on-line dating account. It does in fact brighten my day/week/month. I have been a little discouraged lately (thank an English teacher and Ironman for that) but this does give me hope!

"This is the coolest email you'll receive today.

Hello,In short, I am writing to tell you that since I read your profile well over a year ago, it has become the archetype by which I judge all other profiles I read. It's also important to point out that I've never written to you up until now because we are not a match.

You've written what you feel you'll be destined to be remembered for. Well, from my profile, you'll notice that I am not destined to have a family. You may now go grab a tissue and dry your eyes. ;-)

I do feel, however, that one of the things I am destined to do is leave nothing unsaid in this world. I feel very lucky that I was able to tell my Father how I felt about him on his deathbed over a decade ago. How sad it must be, I thought at the time, that not everyone has the opportunity to say what they want in the time they have.

So, here I am. Your profile is extremely clever and I really get the feeling that your true personality is shining through the words. The little asides you put in parentheses makes it come alive.

I've always kept you on my favorites page to remind me about the kind of articulate and amusing profile I should be looking for.

One of the things I find interesting about being a filmmaker is the possibility of touching the life of someone I will never meet. Being so into music, I think you can appreciate this as well.

You've actually affected me a great deal by raising the bar of what kind of person I believe I deserve. You've been online for a while, and I am just returning to it after being in relationship for about six months.

I really hope you are not discouraged by how long it is taking to find your partner in life. You don't seem like the type that gets discouraged easily, but just in case know that because of who you are that there is an absolute stranger to you in another town who is pulling for you.

Best Wishes.

PS You're damn fine, too."


At 11:38 AM, Blogger just sam said...

I couldn't agree more. Chin up and all that british stuff.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great! He sounds like a real character.

I haven't seen your profile, but it seems like what he says reflects what I know of you in person.


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