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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Chinese Fire Drill

I think that in many ways I have always been the way I am now. My actual personality has been how it is for a long time.

When Ellie and Pam picked me up from work for bookclub last night I got in the back seat of El's car. It was kind of hot out, and I don't know if that's what caused it (I wasn't reading the directions to Sara's house, about 30-45 min away, or anything). By the time we were on the interstate and way the hell outside the city limits I sadly was forced to ask "Pam, do you get car sick?" She replied, "Nope." and I announced, "I think I need to sit in the front seat on the way home." I'm sure I was green by this point.

Ellie said, "Roll down your window! Roll down all the windows!" And Pam suggested, "When we get off the highway, let's trade. We'll do a Chinese Fire Drill."

I'm not racist, we've always called it a Chinese Fire Drill in these parts. What that hell does that really mean though? I just realized that may be a derogatory slur and I don't even know it.

Sure enough, we pulled off the highway for our exit, and at the stop sign Pam and I both ran out of the car and traded places. As we were running OF COURSE another car pulled up behind us. That's just how this stuff works. I wondered if they were thinking, "Damn kids!" at us as we held them up for a few seconds. Heh, like we're kids!

It also brought back some fun memories of driving with Jojo and Amy and many other friends back when I was still 15 (and, GASP, unlicensed). Yes, I bought my first car before I got my license. I've always been the way I am now.... We would go out for a Friday night and just drive around (the price of gas was LESS THAN a dollar a gallon back then, it was a scandal if it went to $1.25). Of course when we did Chinese Fire Drills back then we would switch cars too. Ah, memories!

Jojo will appreciate this one: another memory that popped up on the way home (as I was directing Ellie to turn right at the top of the hill, on to Raymond Rd) was about this kid named Butto. His real last name was Butterfield, but he had a crazy speech impediment (that a little speech therapy, FREE in the schools!) would have fixed.

Anyway, about 15 years ago, we were all piling in to my car after school and Butto, who I wasn't friends with and barely knew, climbed in.

I just totally dead panned, "So, do you want a ride?" He indicated that he did. And I said, "Where do you live?" Because he wasn't my friend, I didn't know!

His response, is still funny 15 years later.... "I live white off of way-mond woad." Ha ha ha! We must have laughed. How could we not laugh? I did give him a ride home, just that once.

So when I told Ellie to turn right on Raymond Road last night, it brought back that memory. Last I heard Butto was running a pretty successful business in the area...


At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! I had forgotten about that one! Thanks for making me laugh today :)


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