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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mild Case of Road Rage

I know I need to "enhance my calm" or some junk like that but DUDE the crappy drivers CAUSING the traffic jam really give me a case of road rage!

I was on my way home from dinner last night and I took the highway. It's three lanes wide on each side. A month or so ago a semi hit an overpass bridge (I have no idea how....) and they keep doing repairs on it little by little. They try to do it at lower volumes times (like after 9 PM...)

So anyway, I had JUST passed the last exit before this road-work when I saw signs indicating that all the lanes needed to merge right, because the left TWO lanes were closed ahead. I immediately merged.

But apparently I'm a suckah. All these other cars, whose drivers are clearly smarter than I, stayed in the left lanes until the bitter end. THAT'S WHAT CAUSES THE LINE YOU ASSHOLES!

I crept out of the line and blocked one of the two left lanes with my car, but those special-smarter-more important drivers kept on passing me (and the whole 2 mile long rest of the line) on the left.

Because I have road rage I honked my horn, flipped off and swore at every one of them.

I'm better today..... Breathing deeply again.


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I hear you. You haven't seen crappy driving until you drive out here though. Man. Drivers are SO stupid/rude/arrogant around Cleveland.

Is that the bridge that the giant coal-mining bucket (or something) hit? I heard that the lookout car didn't realize that the bridge was too short. That sounded like a huge pain.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Phaedra said...

Yeah... a semi (or some kind of truck) hit it and now they need to do all these repairs.

What I don't get is how did that truck make it that far without hitting any of the other bridges/overpasses? I'm no expert, but I would assume that they are all close to the same height.

At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw something on lukpac.org about another semi problem.


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