They grow up so fast!
For the first time (ever?) last night I left my little guy home alone, and he did really well! I generally take him over to my parents' house for dog-sitting, but I went out to run a quick errand with a friend and decided to try leaving Aldo home alone.
He usually cries, and cries, and cries some more when I leave him. Even in the winter, I would come inside from shoveling and as I approached the house I could hear him whining and crying. I feel terrible when he gets so anxious!
I bought this product that contains "dog appeasing pheromones" the same kind a momma dog gives off to calm her puppies. It's like a calming/relaxing doggie glade plug-in! Anyway, it must be working. (pseudo-product advertising alert!)
I gave Aldo a bone (filled with frozen peanut butter, keeps them busy longer) and set him up in his doggie bed with it. He was so into the bone he didn't come to the front door as I was leaving (AMAZING!!!!!).
When I got home, about an hour and a half later, he was close to the front door (and had relocated his bone with him) but he wasn't too hyper to see me when I walked back in the house and there was NO crying or whining. Thank dog (er, god)!
I am sooooo happy for my little rescued guy to behave more "normally." This is a big step in Aldo's growing up!
And let's hear it for the "Comfort Zone" plug-in!!!!!
So you're saying you got your dog high?
on 4/20 none the less....?
No drugs for my little Bobo. Just naturally relaxing plug-ins!
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