
I guess I've been trying to relax all weekend, knowing that I start my new job tomorrow. My doggies have been happy to spend the weekend at home with me.
Yesterday I attempted to have a spontaneous garage sale. My neighbor across the street just put his house on the market and he's selling off tools and what not (he and his wife are elderly and moving to a condo). About 6 people stopped by my house, but no one bought anything, so I switched modes to yard-work. I swept my garage out, and did some raking. I organized some crap in my garage too. The dogs wanted to know what I was doing (every time I went in the house they were just standing on the other side of the door), so I put them in the van so they could watch me work. Good times. They seemed pretty happy in the van.
Today we went for a nice long walk. It was unseasonably warm out. I wore a short sleeved shirt with a fleece jacket, and had to remove the jacket after 2 blocks. I had to turn the heat off too. Man, I'm still sweating!
Aldo and Kiki are starting to look like friends. When they sit next to each other it's just SO damn cute! I can only snap a photo about one out of every 10 times or something...
In any case, happy fall everyone!
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