Sneaky Squirrel Eviction

It turns out that a little hardening foam and steel wool will NOT prevent the flying squirrels from regaining access to their home that the woodpecker so nicely made for them.
Yes, I heard running though my walls at night again, and yesterday morning looked at the side of my house and saw the holes. These holes are on the second story of my house and way too high for me to reach.
I called my handyman and said, "Let's cover these holes with metal plating." And he measured, bought the materials, cut the metal to size and came over to evict the squirrels.
Six came out of the hole today, and we can always remove the plates to let more out if I hear anymore noise in there.
The first picture is of two squirrels running across the side of the house, the second is one of the squirrels coming out of the hole (right above the ladder), and the last one is the new "fix" of metal plating. Click on the photos to enlarge them.
I did get to see EVERY one of the six little guys glide down to the ground. One landed on a tree (the landing was really slick). It happened too fast for me to get a photo though. Sorry.
I am obviously spending EVERY penny that new vinyl siding costs for my house this spring. I can't chance more woodpecker and flying squirrel tag-teams getting inside my walls and messing up wiring, and insulation, and whatever other damage they can do.
I am ceratin that what you have done will not affect your good standings with PETA.
Listen to this: My dad said they had flying squirrels around their house near Buffalo, NY. One day one of them glided to the chimney and fell down into the fireplace. They got a cage, trapped it, and stuck it out on the deck. While it was out on the deck it died, so they buried it. But it wasn't dead! It dug its way out in the spring - it was just hibernating.
Zombie squirrel!
PETA makes me think of the Borat movie and Pamela Anderson... ha ha ha!
Hey, those squirrels will do ANYTHING to trick the humans, even play dead, get burried, etc... GOD Erin! If I saw that, I'd never be able to watch another horror movie! So creepy!
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