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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Catch Me I'm Falling....

Remember that 1980's tune???

I am indeed falling for the professor. But because I'm soooooooo classy (you can dress me up, but can't take me anywhere) I actually DID fall on our date last night.

First we went to a restaurant (that I picked) and the music was way too loud because it was BELLY DANCING NIGHT! Oops! I just thought they had a good menu. I swear I didn't know there would be half naked women shakin' it! I certainly gave us something to talk about!

We left the restaurant and went to our second venue of the evening to see/hear the band that I also picked. He parked the car and I got out and started kind of walking around the front of the car (towards the club) as he went around the back. He was asking me if I had locked my door. I started backing up to see what he was doing and as I was walking backwards I stumbled on this HUGE bolder sized (ok, the size of two softballs) chunk of concrete.

I thought to myself "There is NO f-ing way I'm about to fall in front of the professor!" and sure enough, I thought I could recover. I must have tripped on the concrete in one spot and actually stumbled backwards for about 15 feet before I fell. Oh yes, I did INDEED fall. IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!

So as I laid on my back staring at the stars, he came over and helped me up. I was laughing, and SO embarrassed, and in a little pain from the fall (my wrist is slightly sprained and bruised).

He said, "That was totally in slow motion. I thought you were going to be able to recover because it took so long for you to fall." You and me both buddy! I still can't believe I fell....

Inside the club there were TWO MORE BELLY DANCERS! I've never seen so many belly dancers in my life! In fact, I think the last belly dancer I was was on a video at Christmas time about 15 years ago. I walked past the TV and said, "Look at that fat belly dancer!" and it was a video of my cousin's wife. OOPS! Well, ex-wife these days (Hi Carol wherever you are!).

What in the hell were the odds of two places having belly dancing last night? And I picked them! We both had a great time, lots of laughs, and good conversation. Today I'm still falling... but in a good way. =)


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my. Hehe. Take care of your wrists!

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually took a belly dancing class ("look at that fat belly dancer"). The trick is you've got to be hippy, but with a flat belly (not me!). It's the only other dance class I've taken besides that jazz class we took in middle school (Don't picture it). I'm so glad to hear about you falling, but do take care. lil t

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Phaedra said...

Oh my god... I had TOTALLY forgoten about middle school jazz dance! I am so uncoordinated, how did that ever work?

And remember when we were square dancing partners (because I've always done male drag so well!) in 4th and 5th grade? AWESOME!!!!


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