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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Surgery and Long Road to Recovery

Aldo's surgery is complete, but there were some complications that may make the road to recovery longer and bumpier.

He has a little tear in his lung, which is allowing his chest to fill up with air. They have a chest tube in him (creating a vacuum to suck out the air) and it SHOULD heal on its own within one to two days. However, if it doesn't in three days, he needs another surgery to try and correct it.


I have never been more scared for so many days on end as I currently am.

Aldo is in the intensive care unit, which means the costs are just skyrocketing. I estimate that the whole thing has cost about $6,000 SO FAR. And it's not close to over. He is worth every single penny, but I'm starting to wonder where the pennies are going to come from.

I need to figure out how to sell everything I own on e-bay... check this out though:

E-bay Too bad I don't have more of those!

I'm going to visit Aldo tonight for the first time since dropping him off Tuesday. I'm only allowed 15 minutes. I miss my boy so much!!!!

Kiki is being pretty quiet at home. She doesn't really know how to be the only dog. She's been getting LOTS of snuggles and love though! I need her to lean on right now.

Please continue to keep Aldo in your thoughts and prayers. And if anyone asks what I need for Christmas or my birthday, the answer is CASH. Please. Thank you!


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you


At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aldo will be back to his spunky self in no time... thank goodness it is now winter, another excuse to stay in and snuggle and get better!


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