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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Holiday Cheer (?)

Paris ROCKS!!!! Thanks to Emily for sending me this photo. It's from Galleries Lafayette, gearing up for the Christmas season.

I just don't know if I can get it up for the holidays this year. My dad and I ordered our 10 lb organic turkey a few days ago, and when we realized that thanksgiving at my house will include JUST me, my mom, and dad, it seems so small. And kind of depressing.... None of the other relatives want to celebrate it since my uncle died. Life goes on people! And I wish I had a boyfriend to invite, but I don't. Last year MK came and helped add some flava to the celebration, but she'll be in Florida this year with her new beau.

The thought of Christmas is good, and I LOVE buying (and giving) gifts to my friends, but this Christmas all I can think about is will Aldo get better soon? Whenever I'm home that's pretty much all I can think about, my baby boy. His allergies are really getting to him this week too. So on top of the chylothorax and breathing issues, he's super itchy. Poor guy. I give him all the love I can, I just don't know how parents of sick children do it. This is one of the hardest things I've ever gone through, and the waiting and not knowing is the worst part. Although we WERE able to go for a one mile walk last week, so I felt good about that. And I planted two new trees in my back yard yesterday and Aldo can pee on them now too. Yay! More vertical surfaces! He's still happy, bless his heart. The meds I'm giving him should start working any time now. Please god, let the treatment make him better.

I think I'm totally finished with my Christmas shopping, which is satisfying. I was sucked in by some after Halloween shopping too... but when DON'T I need more orange and black socks?? Or 50% off candy for work?

Today is my last day off after 4 days off in a row. I wish I could say that my house is clean and bills are paid and laundry is done.... but all I did is watch Netflix, cuddle with Aldo, pick about 100 tomatoes from my garden, book a wedding for next spring, and plant two trees.

I guess my mini-depression is a good excuse for being a slacker.

Within the next couple of weeks I'll have new windows installed on my house (I have something like 13 windows PLUS a 13' wide bay window) and the solar voltaic cells powering my electricity. Big, green changes are on the horizon!


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Kirstin said...

Wow! I want solar voltaic cells on my house, but it sounds *expensive*

We got new windows this summer and so far the house is warmer and quieter and less lead-paint filled. Ahh, the joys of owning an old house.

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Phaedra said...

Kirstin, if you ever get hungry, just don't EAT the lead-paint chips, OK?

I have a family friend who does the solar installation so I'm getting a HELL of a deal! Additionally though, my local refund is like $1600, and federally I get a $1500 credit. I also get to sell back to the grid any electricity that I generate but don't use. So there is some cash-back headed my way too!

With all that money, I think I need a trip to France...

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Is this a second spring wedding gig? Sign me up!

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Phaedra said...

Erin, you're always signed up.

If you ever want to come over and play (or work out some new songs) just let me know!

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Kirstin said...

Tell your family friend to e-mail me some info on the whole thing, I'd be curious to see the breakdowns on how much initially $$ you need to invest before getting back the credits


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