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Monday, December 31, 2007

Wrong Way to Protest

I have a cousin who is borderline illiterate, for sure a redneck, and not very well educated. She sent me an e-mail about how we can totally STICK IT TO the Saudis by not using their oil. Yes, the e-mail listed which companies use Saudi oil for gas vs. American or British companies. Here's my problem with that:

1. Supply and Demand. Economics class taught me that demand and price have an equilibrium. By boycotting these gas stations, the price of gas will ultimately GO UP (as the demand at all the US and Brit stations would exceed supply, causing the price to increase). There are some other economic issues like people in communities where public transportation is lacking NEED to use gas for their cars to get to work, daycare, the grocery store, etc... It's not like jewelry where if you can't afford it you don't buy it, gas is in many cases a necessity.

2. What kind of car are you driving? My cousin and her husband are very poor, and have made tons of terrible life decisions. They are living with her parents (where I believe that Social Security and Disability are footing the bills. Sometimes they have jobs, and other times they don't. Her parents have a reverse mortgage on the house... but she and her husband BOUGHT A BRAND NEW GAS GUZZLING SUV recently! So don't bitch about the price of gas when you buy an inefficient vehicle for NO REASON. The SUV is all faux-space. You can't haul things in it, it really holds about the same amount of material as a car (with half the fuel efficiency).

3. Bush and Cheney are NOT the entire US government. They are but two men. And they are greedy men with no sense of right and wrong. Remember that next time you go to the polls and vote (if you don't vote, you can't complain) and ELECT THE DEMS!

Here is her actual text: "OK? The oil company's that are is Saudi Arabia are run by the America government! We they pay the contractors $45 -50 and hour and pay the solider $10-12 to guards the refinery and put the lives on the line to suicide bomber for 63% of our guys are there to protect the OIL!!! (information I received from a SARGENT E7 doing just this!)

Personally it is the American GOVermet SREWING you over not! Any other country!!! The REAL RESON WERE OVER THERE IS TO PROTECT THE OIL!!!! And REMEMBER if the shit hits the fan our government is NOT there to protect us! There objective is to protect then selves and the pocket books (HELLO NSA!!! I know you watching ^%^ holes!) so just pray for alternate fuel and research on FUSION power with the H3 elements(CEMESTY NOT A BIG TRUCK) that is being done at UW MADISON may give us a chance in 5 years? "

Oy! It makes my head spin. It also makes me want to help change the world/volunteer/be a teacher/be a mentor/be a foster parent/etc...


At 2:05 PM, Blogger M. Simon said...

The only problem for me is that the Dems are more corrupt.

They are backed buy different corps is all.

BTW some fusion news no He3 required:

Bussard Fusion Reactor
Easy Low Cost No Radiation Fusion

It has been funded:

Bussard Fusion Reactor Funded
Bussard Fusion Update

The above reactor can burn Deuterium which is very abundant and produces lots of neutrons or it can burn a mixture of Hydrogen and abundant Boron 11 which does not.

The implication of it is that we will know in 6 to 9 months if the small reactors of that design are feasible.

If they are we could have fusion plants generating electricity in 10 years or less depending on how much we want to spend to compress the time frame. A much better investment than CO2 sequestration.

BTW Bussard is not the only thing going on in IEC. There are a few government programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory, MIT, the University of Wisconsin and at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana among others.

The Japanese and Australians also have programs.

If you want to get deeper into the technology visit:

IEC Fusion Technology blog

Start with the sidebar which has links to tutorials and other stuff.


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