Happy Birthday Esse!

Little Esse Jo is going to a YEAR old this week! Her parents threw her a fabulous birthday party last Saturday night.
Because I spent most of the day at home on Saturday (prior to the party) I kept Aldo and Kiki at home with me. When I finally did drop them off my dad was sad because he missed the dogs when I didn't bring them over earlier that day. This from the guy who once said he would never help me take care of my dog (he's an easy mark that way...)
Back to the party, someone gave her the Elmo that laughs and convulses, and I have to say that I think she was a little scared of that Elmo! There was a sheet cake for the rest of the attendees, and Esse had her own cake to destroy. It was a fabulous sight to behold. My dad had never seen anything like it. After the cake (it was about 8:30 PM) when Esse started to cry, that indicated that the party was over.
There were about 2 or 3 pregnant ladies there to which my dad told me "Don't stand by any of them, in case it's contagious!" I was also instructed not to get any ideas. I think I already HAVE all the ideas!
When I got home from my massage/PT appointment on Sunday my friend MK was in my back yard with a shovel, bringing me chives! YAY! I'm excited to cultivate and eat them. Merry x-mas (and global warming) when we can plant and grow food in December!
I sent this e-mail to a few friends today:
"I think something is wrong with my left eyeball, but you know how once you start touching it it takes hours to feel normal again? I thought I had an eyelash in there or something (and tried to get it out) and then I went to the ladies to look in the mirror, and it seemed like there was nothing in there (but pain) and when I touched it, it was kind of sticky.
Am I paranoid now? Probably.
I'll have to wait a few hours and check on this situation again. I don't THINK I know anyone with pink eye (I've never had it). On second thought, the eye isn't pink, it's ouchy and sticky. My eye is like a horror movie prop!
Back to budget work.... One-eyed pirate style!"
A friend wrote back and told me it was probably pink eye (but I was kidding!). So I left work around 10:30, got to Urgent Care around 11:00, and FINALLY had a diagnosis of pink eye around 1:15. By 1:30-ish I had my eye drops. Geez! That took forever. At least it's treatable and I have insurance.
And if I see you any time soon, I'll try not to rub my eye and then pin you down and touch your eyeballs!
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