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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nude Showers

I went to a wine tasting party with Duncan MacLeod last weekend (his friends had gone to Cali last month and brought quite a few wines back) and somehow someone mentioned the showers in gym class.

I went to public school, I took more years of gym class than I EVER found beneficial, and NEVER once showered. As a matter of fact, in middle school we didn't HAVE showers, and in high school I don't think we were allowed to shower. Not that there was time anyway, changing out of my gym clothes and into my school clothes left me late for the next class on many an occasion.

When we had swimming in high school (two semesters, one for health class and another for gym) we all showered afterwards with our swim suits on, NOT naked. There was one girl (with a weird body shape too) who showered naked and everyone giggled about it.

Apparently, other cities, states, forced kids to shower NAKED after gym class. In middle school and high school. And I simply can not imagine it! How traumatizing for the over AND under-developed kids!

My mom said that her school gave them the swim suits to wear (at my school we brought our own) and that they had to take them off and hand them in on their way to the shower. After they showered they were handed a towel. (I also had to bring my own towel).

To my knowledge, before discussing this with nearly complete strangers at a party, I NEVER knew anyone that had to do this! Have I been living under a rock for 31 years?


At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Traumatizing is right; my high school was like that, they didn't force you to shower naked, but it was expected, which meant most guys did. I never did; I'm not sure which is more awkward, being naked with a bunch of freshmen, or being the only one NOT naked with a bunch of freshmen. Then, of course, the added bonus of being a short, fat, AND smelly freshman. Good times.

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had gym class five days a week, and in grades 6 through 12 we had to shower after each and every gym class.

The showers were out in the open in front of everyone that was in the locker room.

We had to undress at our lockers and walk naked to the showers. After each shower we had to walk up to the gym teacher and she would check off our names on her clipboard and hand us a towel.

A lot of the girls would stare at each other and make comments about how big or small other girls breasts were, or how much or how little pubic hair other girls had.

Our gym teachers usually doubled as the girls health teachers, which meant that right after showering naked in front of them, we then had them in our health classes a little while later. It was so much "fun" sitting there in a class with a teacher who had just seen you totally naked a little earlier in the day.

I had always assumed that everyone had a similar situation with showering in school. I had no idea that there are schools that didn't require showering in gym class? I was in Middle School and High School in the late 1980's and early 1990's.
My 15 year old daughters school still requires all of the girls to shower in gym class. She said that it's still open group showers in front of everyone else in the locker room, but that they don't have to walk naked up to the teacher to be handed a towel.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that in swimming class we had to take a nude shower before we were allowed to swim. After swimming most girls just chose to shower nude since all of the other girls had already seen us nude a thousand times before, and it was easier to wash off the chlorine if we no longer had a bathing suit on.



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