If you didn't know it before now, it's news

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It's a Good Thing!

My pal Jamie got a DREAM JOB at Martha Stewart. Good thing indeed, congrats baby I am SO PROUD of and happy for you!

In not so good news, I was in a car accident almost two weeks ago. I've been out of the loop since then.... Here's hoping that I eventually can shovel my own snow, do laundry, stop going to the Dr. multiple times per week and sleep through the night again. It's been rough lately.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Ethanol is a BAD Idea

I was reading this article http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=549463 and this quote really struck me,

"But the grain it takes to fill a 25-gallon tank with ethanol just once would feed one person for a whole year. Converting the entire U.S. grain harvest to ethanol would satisfy only 16 percent of U.S. auto fuel needs."

It would seem to me that Americans need to WAKE UP and demand, yes DEMAND, cleaner energy from the government and energy producers.

I've been on a kick from Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" as well.

Things we can do to help the earth and prevent catastrophic results of global warming:
  • Take public transportation.
  • Drive less.
  • Drive a more fuel-efficient vehicle.
  • Properly insulate your home.
  • Turn lights off when not in use.
  • Unplug household items when not in use.
  • Recycle.
  • Re-use.

I'm personally trying to figure out how to finance solar panels on my roof that will provide me with 100% clean energy for ALL of my house-hold electricity. It's going to be fabulous!

Check out what you can do to help change the world for the better: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

R.I.P. Rosie Begonia

On new year's eve, our family peacefully lost our Rosie at home.

It's never easy to say goodbye, even after 13 years.