If you didn't know it before now, it's news

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tom Wopat

In addition to being sick all week, I've been playing in the 27 piece stage band for a musical. The music is a mix of big-band, jazz, swing, and blues. It's super fun to play, although I'm taking so many meds I can't believe that I'm standing upright playing the bass for several hours per night!

As it turns out, Mr. Tom Wopat is the star of our little show. I bet he gets more than $30 per performance like I do....

Last night (opening night) when Wopat walked on the stage the crowd went WILD!

He talked to me too (because he needed more bass in his monitor). Who knew that when I used to watch Dukes of Hazard as a kid that I would someday work with this guy, Luke Duke!


Being sick, I realize the true meaning of "The show must go on!" But I'm not super happy about it. I can't wait for it to be next week already...

Boys to Men

I've been home sick from work ALL WEEK. It's miserable.

After taking Aldo to the vet on Friday (and getting some good news) I wanted to call my co-worker who sent me a couple of e-mails this week to check on me. He is the NICEST guy in the world. I think of him as my peer, but really he has kids a few years younger than I am and GRANDKIDS too. So he's my peer, but also a grandpa! He's still probably 15-20 years younger than my dad though...

So I crank called him at work (asking for a program that has a similar phone # to his) and he was about to give me the right number when I busted out laughing and identified myself.

We started out talking about Aldo's appointment, and somehow the call deteriorated to my being single. Funny how that happens!

My friend, co-worker, and experienced older man told me that I need to quit looking for boys. Confused, I asked him if he was suggesting that I switch teams. Lesbianism does have certain perks.... No, he told me. I need to be looking to meet MEN. Not boys, MEN. He said it's a different mindset, and different level of responsibility, etc...

I told him if he knows any good men to point them in my direction. He funnily said, "If I find a good man, I'm keeping him for myself!" Good times!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is my first card of the day.... =)

A co-worker made raspberry and chocolate chip meringues and they are SO GOOD!!!!! I think I just found my breakfast.

I heard a very strong and amazing panel of women speak last night at the Women in Government seminar (reception). I am truly inspired today!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I voted!!!!

A co-worker was going over to the City/County building to vote absentee ballot this afternoon and asked me to join her.

Since I have class after work next Tuesday, it was so much simpler to vote today than it would be to get there when the polls open at 7:00 AM on Tues.

My John Edwards was still on the ballot, but I wanted to truly be relevant and participate in the process, so I cast my vote for Mr. Obama.

Don't forget to make your voice heard and vote in the primary!!!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My Bleeding Heart Status

As I get older, politics and how people label themselves makes less sense to me…

When I was a teen, one of my BIGGEST issues for which political party spoke to me was choice. The freedom of choice touched nearly all of my friends in one way or another. I thought that women were most capable of deciding what was best for them (mind, spirit and body) and so I was a democrat. I also thought that unless we faced something as terrible as the holocaust that war was a terrible idea as well. This also lent itself to my ideology of identifying with the liberals.

Towards the end of high school I took an economics class and learned about fiscal conservatism. It made some sense to me. As a young adult I met plenty of men who identified themselves to me as fiscally conservative and socially democratic. It kind of made sense. Although I still couldn't appreciate how one party could be so interchangeable for another during an election. How were there people who could float between the candidates of different parties?

Then I realized how many of my friends were gay. More and more people came out, and hate crimes and hateful legislation began to show up in the news with alarming frequency. People who were politically conservative (republicans) claimed that to be gay was to be anti-GOD. Huh. So all of the sudden there was a religious element to being right-wing. The so-called "Christian Right." Although Jesus Christ himself was a liberal and supported social causes…. But last I checked the Bible teaches to judge not, lest ye be judged. The ultimate judgment is for God to make, not the republicans.

The republicans claim to want LESS government. But at every turn they fight for MORE control in government and people's lives! They put measures on ballots to take rights AWAY from gays (mostly in the name of God although we are a country built on separation of church and state), they want laws to keep women from controlling their bodies (abortion, birth control), they only fund public schools that teach their agendas (abstinence only education, creationism as science, etc…), they spend BILLIONS on an unnecessary war that seems to serve little purpose other than to create the terrorists of the future and to line their pockets (through non-bidding contracts and record oil profits), they don't want a nationalized health care because it would take PROFIT away from the insurance and drug companies (and clearly profit is more important than the health, safety and LIVES of the poor and working class). These same "anti-big-government" conservatives are creating the largest National Debt EVER.

And the issue of global warming seems so cut and dry to me… not only is it a proven scientific fact (in dozens upon dozens of peer reviewed journals) but even if it were somehow not true, aren't we better safe than sorry on acting to prevent calamity? If enough Arctic and Antarctic ice melt, the landscape of the WORLD will change. Millions of people will be displaced. New York City will be underwater, as will Florida, and the coast of China…. How can this be ignored?

When I was younger I was offended by the term bleeding heart liberal because it seemed so derogatory to me. If caring about the poor, the less fortunate, those without voices in the political process, and the state of the world make me a bleeding heart liberal, then I wear that badge proudly. I know that one person can make a difference, and I intend to use my entire life to make the world a better place for not just me, my family, my city, my country, but for the WORLD. In the name of all that is good and liberal…..