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Sunday, May 07, 2006

I Spoke too Soon

Just last week I was the spelling police, this week I have to eat my words.

I was trying to hurry up and design, print out and mail invitations to my friend's bridal shower that I'm throwing in a month. Hurrying is NEVER a good thing (and I know this!).

After I designed it and typed it up I called my mom to have her "proof listen" over the phone. I needed a proof reader, but I was rushing. Had to get this all done before the big piano move of 2006! Operation Phaedra Piano. I digress....

My mom didn't hear anything wrong in the proof listen. So I printed out invitations on ALL of the beautiful paper that I got months and months ago for just such an occasion. Nut just any occasion, I bought these invites to coordinate with the wedding invite colors. This was PREMEDITATED people!!!!

Well, when Dan come over for some piano moving I gave him one to take to his fiance. As he read it, he was like, "Ha ha, BIDE to be."

I think I screamed, "Are you fucking kidding me?!?" He was not. I have typoed the word BRIDE and omitted the R. Spell check didn't catch it because bide (bide your time) is a word!

I had wasted all that precious paper, all was lost- but Dan had an idea! I could pencil in a calligraphied "r" on EVERY invitation (all 35 of them) and no one would ever know....

So I whipped them all off, and it really did look pretty impressive. I addressed all the envelopes (by hand) and sealed and stamped them. I was about to mail them when...

I got my mail today and opened an invitation to my friend little t's baby shower. For the same date, Saturday June 3rd. But that Saturday is the 2nd, I thought. They must have typoed poor t's invitations. Unless.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I checked my calendar and after EVERYTHING I had already gone through with the invites, they were now unsalvageable. I wasted my money, and so much freaking time on this all weekend long. Damnit!!!!!!

I finally got a little more crafty (one extra step on the craftiness meter) and figured out that I could open all the envelopes. Which means in theory that I can re-seal them with new invites inside. All I have to do is find something that color coordinates somewhat and hurry my ass up too.

I once thought that I could be a wedding planner. Scratch that! Well maybe I still could. The key is I should know myself well enough not to keep rushing myself this way. Nothing good ever comes from it.


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