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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Workin' Out, Workin' it Off

I MEGA worked-out yesterday, and am finally getting back on that horse! I think I've gained 10-15 lbs since my mom hit me with my car in January (what with the bruised ribs and lack of working out and all). I need to look great (well, really all the time...) for my friend's wedding in July!

Hopefully, I can counter-balance the effects of some of the free food this week with lots and lots of exercise!

I saw a guy I knew from high school at the gym, and his friend was CUTE! Gotta love that extra motivation!


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, the car accident totally threw me out of my work-out groove. Darn it. Luckily for me, the pain meds killed my appetite and I lost weight, so maybe things will balance out! We'll see. I *can* walk, so I'm going to be doing as much of that as I can, I think.

Weddings are scary - with those expectations. It's good that you can use it as a motivator, just keep things in perspective.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Phaedra said...

The other day I heard on Oprah that a 30 year-old woman should be able to do 40 bent-knee push-ups. So I did 40 this morning (just to make sure....)

I'm pretty sore today from the workout on Friday, but I'll be headed back to the gym tomorrow for more weight lifting.

Maybe I can get my dad to walk dogs with me later today too...


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