
- I truly thought I was going to lose my baby Aldo to chylothorax on Thanksgiving week (these photos are from Thanksgiving). He had over 11 lbs of fluid removed on Monday (after being tapped the Friday before) and he was tapped on Wednesday and Friday again too. It was the scariest day of my life.
- But we went to see the number one expert in the COUNTRY on chylothorax on Friday and he said that Aldo is a good candidate for surgery. The surgery gives him an 80% chance of a FULL recovery (and back to our normal lives). Without it, he can't survive much longer.
- Needless to say, I am not buying a new car or going on vacation for quite some time. My funds are tied up in doggie surgery! Aldo is worth every penny (and then some!).
- The first photo here (it snowed on Thanksgiving!) is of Aldo sniffing Kiki's face after she has been eating snow in the yard. You can see where his ribs have been shaved for chest taps.
- The next photo is our family portrait (taken by mom).
- The last photo is NAUGHTY Lexa making noise in the kitchen. I knew she was eating something, and discovered a few seconds after this was taken that she had gotten the mashed potatoes off my island. What's funny about the photo is that we ALL know Lexa is up to something in the other room. Kiki and I have the same look on our faces. My dogs are SO good and well behaved. Where was dad during all this (watching football and NOT watching Lexa is my guess).
- In any case I am VERY thankful that I can give Aldo the surgery that he needs next week. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a FULL recovery!