Yesterday I moved this pile of wood from my friends' house to my handyman's truck to my backyard. It only took about an hour and a half.
However, I have to say that my friends' yard was MUCH better suited to the task than mine. The snow is still so deep at my gate, that it can not be opened. See an entry below with the snow in front of my house. The gate is left of my garage (yikes!). And although there is a layer of ice on top of the snow, I kept falling through (and it was at LEAST knee deep). I ended up using way more muscle than I thought I would to THROW the wood over my fence. Which ultimately means that I will have to stack it neatly into a pile once more ice and snow melts from my yard.
I had a nice date last night with the Kiwi. I found out last week that the guy I was seeing around Christmas time is moving to Chicago, and now the Kiwi will also be moving this spring. I can't meet a guy who is staying here for some reason! Maybe that should be one of my first questions that I ask (do you like living here? Can your career work here? Where do you see yourself living in 5 years?).
- I saw "Vantage Point" and thought it was a really smart film. I really enjoyed it. The crowd in the theater groaned each time the story started over. Didn't they know what the movie was about? I loved that each time there was a reset you saw a little more to the story and a few more clues. I like it when I'm thinking during a film!
In other news, today I turn 33. I remember just turning 23. Where does the time go?????