If you didn't know it before now, it's news

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blizzard 2007

As usual, Just click on the photos to see full size images.
I was supposed to have two rehearsals this weekend (for an upcoming musical) and EVERYTHING was being canceled left and right due to the blizzard.
On Saturday, we got about 8" of snow, but then the 40 mph winds (and thus the drifting) began.
We also got AT LEAST another foot of snow Saturday night/Sunday morning. When I woke up Sunday, I took these photos.
Outside my back door, there are TWO steps down to the ground. The drifting was so high I had to fight to push my door open!
I think the dogs are standing in a lower area of the yard. As Aldo went farther right, the snow was up to his armpits and he quickly retreated to the less shallow parts of the yard. Kiki just does her tigger bounces in the snow.
At the moment, it's raining. On the agenda for the week: more snow and rain all week long!
Global warming is giving us crazy weather all over the country. We need to all wake up and make some big changes soon!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Not Even Half Price Margaritas Can Keep Me From the Polls!

I went to dinner with a friend from my old job tonight. We went to a Mexican restaurant with a special on half-price margaritas.

I was going to order the regular (large) sized margarita glass, but she INSISTED that I get a mug. The mugs are 34 oz.

One margarita and dinner later, it was time to get out of there. I went to Target to "walk it off" for almost an hour. Of course I found $60 worth of stuff to buy in an hour too!

As I was leaving the checkout I remembered that I had to vote today. Of course it was about 8 minutes to 8:00 (poll closing time). I put the petal to the metal and got to my old elementary school and RAN (in my wooden clogs) to the door and said, "Am I too late?"

And I was NOT too late! They locked the door behind me (I was the LAST one to vote today).

I told them about the margaritas and they said I should try to get there 5 minutes earlier next time. =)

Not even the half-priced margaritas can keep me from my involvement in the political process (only one of the three Supreme Court Judges is pro-choice, I had to cast my vote for her!).

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Back to School?

I went to a state-wide apprenticeship conference for a couple of days (for work) this past week. Two of the hour-long seminars I attended were on State Statutes and Administrative code. We talked about case studies for different situations including appeals of dismissals. I freaking LOVE the case studies, and it makes me want to go to law school.

I've always loved law classes, I took several as an undergrad. There is something so stimulating about predicting the outcome, and arguing for one side or the other. I miss school now that I've been gone for so long.

I have a pretty good gig with my job, but with a LAW degree, I would probably have a better career in the long run. Everyone near the top has a Master's at MINIMUM.

It first occurred to me to go to grad school about 4 years ago. If I had done it then, I would be finished by now.

That's the hardest part, the time commitment. I could meet some one, get married and have a baby within the next four years. Or not. And if I just keep waiting, I may NEVER live my life or do or accomplish anything because I just keep sitting around waiting.

I need to look into whether or not work will pay for part of this endeavor. It's always scary to take the leap, but I need to keep moving forward. Maybe this is JUST the thing!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Kids at War

This makes me sad. The daughter of one of my friends/co-workers is currently stationed in Afghanistan.

I keep getting e-mails with lots of pictures of her, and her friends. They all seem normal, until you zone in on the fatigues, and the NA Budweiser they drink, and the machine guns. I wish the best for all those kids.

Seriously, we as a country need to bring the troops home now!!!!