If you didn't know it before now, it's news

Monday, April 28, 2008

Doggie Action Shots

Helmut came over on Friday and took a couple of hours worth of amazing photos of the dogs. I'm super excited to have such great shots of them!

As usual, click on the photos to enlarge them.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kids in the Mother F-ing Hall

It's funny, in the picture of me from a few posts ago there is a poster for the Kids in the Hall show behind my head. I went to that show last night (with the Professor). It was SO funny! It's always good to have those kids of laughs. I also got to see a crazy show in the ladies room (some dude was in there helping a light weight lady friend puke her guts out). It's always weird to see a dude in the ladies'!

On the topic of the Professor, we're hanging out again. It's pretty harmless because he's moving to DC in a little over a month. I do still care about him, but maybe that's just called being human and a friend.

Yesterday afternoon my photographer friend Jamie came over and shot between 400-500 photos of me, the dogs, and my dad all in my back yard. We'll use some of those for Mother's Day (as a gift for my mom). Jamie is so much fun, and it didn't even seem like she was over for almost three hours.... The dogs loved her (plenty of face kisses from Aldo) and I appreciate her doing me that kind of favor. I can't wait to see the pics!!!

Just when I decided to quit e-harmony, they sent me the BEST match ever!!!! He likes to shop at Target, travel abroad, walk dogs, go to the symphony, cook food at home, is liberal.... and SO HOT!!! So I really hope that he gets as excited about my profile as I did about his. Maybe deciding to quit the site was what FINALLY delivered me a really good match. We'll see (keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Falling is for old people!

Oops! And me! I've had two recent falls (and neither are the good kind like falling in love).

I was taking out my recyclables last week, and running a little late so I was actually RUNNING up my driveway with the big cart. When I got to the street I (with lots of momentum still) tried to whip the container around so it was facing the right direction for the automated truck to come pick it up. I wheeled it too quickly and as the container began to fall down I realized I was going for a tumble as well. I was then laying in my street, face down, moderately injured, and my first thought was, "I wonder if any of my neighbors saw!" I picked myself up and collected a few stray recyclables and went to work (I noticed later scrapes on my palms and a big bruise on my left elbow).

This week, I dreamt that I was sitting on a sofa outside in NYC (like near Times Square). I was lifting my feet off the ground when some roaches ran by but then someone told me there were a bunch of rats running/climbing up the right hand side of the sofa, and as I flinched/jumped away from them, I REALLY did jump left and threw myself right on out of bed. OOPS! So lame... I fall down repeatedly, now I fall out of bed, I'm a hot mess!!! And no, it's NOT a common occurrence! Although the dogs were more than willing to also get up at 2:30 AM and run outside for a potty break, so it sort of worked out (or at least falls under the category of no harm, no foul).

I need to work on keeping my head in the clouds and feet on the ground!

Monday, April 07, 2008


In case you aren't using fabric or reusable shopping bags yet:

According to The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually. An estimated 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many plastic bags.

Do your part- use fabric or non plastic shopping bags!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I'm a Busy B!

I swear that I didn't really have anything much to do, and yet had a pretty busy weekend.

On Thursday night I went to an art show opening and somehow managed to BUY art. Not that I have money to burn or anything, but I LOVE having beautiful, original artwork. It makes me happy! And the group of folks there (all friends with MK) are great. Many fun conversations were had. One in particular was about a woman who is a judge and performs weddings on the side. She says that she will only do them in her office now, because of a few too many weird instances in people's homes. For example: she went to marry a 16 year old girl who was pregnant. The dude was ILLEGAL and over 20..... Her mom had given permission, but changed her mind. The whole thing was a big cluster f%@#. My own wedding performances are never like this!

I planted seeds indoors to transfer to my garden as soon as it's nice out. I learned a lot from my first garden experience last year, so this year is going to be a feast of plenty, a cornucopia from my garden!

Did you know that you can see the New York Metropolitan Opera at Marcus Cinemas? Well you can! They play it live, on the big screen, with subtitles, and a great sound system! I saw La Boheme, which I played in college. It was amazing. You get to see interviews with the singers, conductor, stage producer, etc... The backstage scenes are AMAZING! I think my ticket was about $20, completely worth it!

I played in a dinner theatre Elvis show a few weeks ago. Good times! I had to sight read two shows in one day on my electric bass. It actually went quite well. And the money was nice too.

I saw Vic Wooten in Concert too. He inspired me to play electric in the Elvis show. And I got to chat with him a little after the show. Fair is fair by the way, and I have NEVER in my life seen 30 guys waiting for the bathroom and NO LINE for the ladies room! I guess there were more dudes at the show (way more...). Some weirdo drunk guy rubbed my dad's head too. It was awesome!

This weekend I'm going to see Kids in the Hall, and play a 3.5 hour wedding (they're giving us dinner too) and see the last symphony concert for the season. They're playing Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony which is my FAVORITE!!!!