Lil' Kiki

Last night I added a new dog to my pack. Her former show-dog name was "Blackstone's Queen Victoria" and they called her Vicki, but her new name is Kiki.
Kiki just turned 6 years old (and on Oct 1st Aldo will turn 7). I got her from the breeder my parents get their dogs from.
There are so many stories to tell already...
First of all, she slept at my house last night while Aldo stayed with my folks. Right before bedtime Kiki lost her mind and turned into a cartoon dog, bouncing all over the room and ricocheting off the furniture. I immediately thought "perhaps she should sleep in the kennel tonight." and sleep in the kennel she did. She's a former show dog and is used to and doesn't mind the kennel. I lined it in flannel sheets too, pretty posh!
Today I took her to my parents' house to meet my dad, their two dogs (Lexa and Rosie) and my Aldo.
My dad met us outside and I leashed her up and handed her to him. I then went in the house and let out the dogs into the back yard. My dad tried to let Kiki into the yard and she backed up, slipped her collar and took off. My dad ran after her calling her and screaming at me to get my car keys.
By the time I got around to the front of the house and my car my dad was near the end of the block and Kiki (like a black flash) was out of sight. I drove past my dad and yelled out the window "which way?" because the block ends and I had to go left or right. He said, "I didn't see."
Just as he said that I saw her round the block to my left. I sped up and followed her. There were two cars stopped (thanks to those cars for not hitting her!) and one was trying to call her. She wasn't having it. She kept running full speed down the street.
It occurred to me for a second that I hadn't even had this dog for 24 hours and I was about to never see her again. =(
I was driving right next to her on a street with a boulevard. She was on one side, me the other. I checked my speedometer and I was going about 20 mph (as was she). I sped up to get slightly ahead of her and pulled over.
I ran out of the still running car and called her. She looked at my like she kind of thought I was OK, but not totally sure. I opened the car door and THANK GOD she leapt inside. That Kiki likes a car ride! I guess I'll be getting her a harness so she doesn't slip her collar again!
When Aldo finally met her he ignored her at first (which REALLY surprised me). I think he thought she looked like Rosie. He finally noticed she was really following me around and that's when the little fight began. He never hurt her, but he is showing her who is boss.
I sat outside with them for about 3 hours. I finally muzzled Aldo and they rode home from my parents' house in my van together without incident
Aldo is still wearing his muzzle, so there aren't fights in the house, but really the outside fights have been pretty minor and it's going quite well.
It's been such a long day for both of them: Kiki settling in to a new house with new people (me and my parents) and new dogs, and Aldo trying to posture to be the big alpha dog. They are both crashed out near my feet while I type this. Of course, Aldo is closest to me.
Aldo is going to have to get used to sharing me a little, but Kiki is SO friendly and such joy. Her spirit is amazing. I think there's room for more love in all our hearts....