So weird this one!
I got an e-mail today from an old neighbor of mine. Here's what he said:
People have differing reactions. People WANT to laugh, and because I think it's
so golldarned funny, it's given people permission to do so.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:25 AM
Subject: Dad's Parking Ticket
Hello, I spoke to you last Friday regarding Dad's parking ticket. As I indicated
to you, Dad received a parking ticket at the Library on December 8,
2005. This came as a great shock to my mother and me since my father died on
May 17, 2004. I will be faxing you a copy of the citation shortly as you
I will also have you know that my father would have gotten a good laugh out of
this, and I have heard so many great one-liners from my co-workers and family. My personal faves:
* Sending an link, so that parking may reach Dad by Ouija board
* "I thought angels had wings-- who knew they drove Nissans?"
* Just simply forwarding the letter to Memorial Park Cemetery in St. Petersburg, Florida and see if they can just put the notice with the flowers on the grave.
* "Mom, Dad did die, right?"
"Yes, I'm pretty sure that was him in the casket. If it wasn't, he has some serious explaining to do..."
* "Sure gives new meaning to the words 'late fee,' doesn't it?"
Again, I want you to understand that the notice did not hurt or offend my family.