If you didn't know it before now, it's news

Monday, July 31, 2006

Surrounded by Success

I am having a bad-ass crabby Monday!

I found out that the newest addition to my office (she's straight out of school and has been here for 1 or 2 months TOPS and makes more than I do) is leaving next week. She got her DREAM job. **Insert pictures of heats and flowers here** The funny (not ha-ha, more like illegal) part about her hire is that the position was NEVER announced in the first place. Seeing as it pays more than my job, I would have applied for it.

I e-mailed my boss and the personnel manager today to express my interest in the job and I was told to basically "watch the announcements and apply accordingly." That's horseshit. It wasn't open to me before, and I'm sure it won't be this time either.

The problem is, I have no direct supervisor, they keep piling on the work and responsibilities and I keep doing my job. They have NO incentive to try to keep me, or to keep me happy unless I finally get an offer somewhere else. Then they'll try to get me to stay, and I'll be SO FAR GONE!

I'm practically waiting for them to change my job description to "The token 'girl' in the section, whose duties include girl work such as scheduling all meetings, preparing agendas, taking notes, keeping track of birthdays, party planning, wearing revealing clothing and making coffee for the men." Not to belittle anyone whose job it is to make coffee, but I'm NOT support staff! I manage a $450 million program budget! I have seniority over others who are MAKING MORE THAN I AM FOR LESS WORK.

Apparently all of my non-Union colleagues (who make more than I do) got raises last week. Of course I have not gotten one. And I pay about $500 a year to be in my union (what a deal!). A joke was made that everyone got a raise but me. Ha ha. EXCEPT IT'S TRUE!

I've just flipped my lid today. I'm surrounded by people I'm relating to less and less. I need a vacation, or a new life or something.

I need a new job soon, this is just so ridiculous.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Spider Saga

I admit it. I not only HATE spiders, but I have a bit of fear of them too.

Two nights ago, as I entered my bedroom to go to bed I saw a large, black, ugly, mean spider on the wall. He was near the seam of the ceiling and wall and in a hard place to squish.

Squishing spiders is hard on me. I don't want them running around my house alive, but it's very hard for me to get close enough to kill them.

The location in the room was not good either. He was above the curtains and I had to stand on a small ikea stool to reach him.

After standing on the stool for about 10 minutes, shoe in hand, I finally swatted at the spider. AND MISSED!

He began running, pretty slowly I might add, away. I swatted again (which was hard because the stool was a little too far away) and missed again.

He ran down the wall a little, so I hopped off the stool and hit with my shoe again. Can you believe it? I freaking missed him!

He jumped off the wall onto a painting I haven't hung yet.

So I picked up the painting and didn't see him. So I flipped it over, and he jumped off the back into my CLEAN CLOTHES laundry basket.

I was so pumped with adrenalin at this point, I began to sob. I dragged the basket into the upstairs bathroom I don't use (not attached to my bedroom) and shut the door.

I wasn't sure if he was in the basket or not, but if he was then it was the best way to deal with the situation.

So I was crying, and hysterical and it took me forever to fall asleep and I woke up every 15 minutes thinking there were creepy crawlies on me. It was miserable. I got about 3 hours of highly interrupted sleep. In fact, when my alarm went off I called my carpooling buddy and said "I'm going in late today." so I could sleep until about 11 AM to try and get some rest.

Cut to about 10:45 PM last night. I had just gotten home from a musical event and that SAME spider was on the ceiling in the middle of my bedroom, above my bed.

I was thinking about what to do when he began running (and hid in the seam where the ceiling meets the wall).

I was keeping my eye on him, still contemplating the situation, weighing my options, when he began running AGAIN. This time he ran across the ceiling back into the middle of the room above my bed.

I grabbed a magazine, hopped up onto the bed and swatted at him (he was running) and missed AGAIN! Never in my life have I missed a spider so many times! I swatted at him one more time and he dropped to the floor.

I dove off the bed and beat the hell out of him on the floor with my shoe. I even skinned my knee on the carpet going after this guy.

So the spider is no more. And I can finally sleep again!

My boss asked me about it this morning at work (because I had told him the story yesterday) and when I brought him up to speed about last night he said, "R.I.P. , Arachne ... and Phaedra who can finally sleep again."

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm Next!

In the totally honest, fair, and competitive bouquet toss on Saturday night (there were about 15-20 single women) I caught the bouquet! Clearly, this means that I'm next.

I've also managed to catch the bouquet several times in the past (including once when I was 9) so I'm not sure how much faith I have in this system.

But tradition says "Pick me all you high quality single bachelors, pick me!"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Expensive Love

The wedding is now over, and my friends D & J are married.

In somewhat related news, I've been asked about my "husband" all weekend long. LOOK AT MY RING FINGER FOLKS, I have no husband! And it doesn't make me a failure or a bad person by the way!

But, my mom wants to marry me off and see grandkids in the next decade. So she offered to pay the $250/yr to join e-harmony since match.com isn't really working for me. Dude, I wonder what I've spent on match since I joined....

When I started it was pretty cheap ($45 for 6 months or something?). But about a year and a half ago, when I was seeing outdoorsey-Dan for about 3 months, I shortened up my membership (thinking I may be off the market). But no matter how long we dated, I wasn't feeling what I should be feeling for him, so I ended it. And now my rates are more like $45 per 3 months.

I met a woman at the networking night who met her boyfriend of 6 months on match (and was on it for about 3 years, like me) but all her friends are having good luck on e-harmony.

So maybe $250 is worth it (if my mom pays and it lands me a quality relationship).

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Inland Hurricane

I was so tired yesterday that I never got around to posting this. But we had a storm two nights ago with 50-60 mph winds, almost like a hurricane!

I woke up when it started at watched the news to make sure it wasn't a tornado (sounded like one) and my power flashed off for a whopping 5 seconds tops. But all over the city power was out for hours and there were so many trees down no one could count how many there were.

As some of you know, I live in a forest in the city, so I was just waiting for one of my huge trees to crash, but thankfully it didn't happen. I have mega branches down.... one that is going to be a bitch to move.

A nearby major road (2 blocks from my house, about 4 lanes wide) had a huge tree down blocking it. Busses were being re-routed on my block instead.

It's still super messy outside today! I should call my insurance company again and have them look at my roof (again). I can't believe they didn't pay me anything on that hail storm....

I think I'm switching to Geico, they cost less than stupid Farmer's who never want to pay me.

The Power to Annoy

I asked my friend to accompany me to go get some tea, and I asked her if she wanted to hear me sing "the java jive" and she said YES.

So I sang it, and now she's blaming me for the having that damn song in her head and she's off to get a different tune stuck in there.

Mwah-ha-ha! My power to annoy is superb!

"I like coffee and I like tea. I like the java and it likes me.
Coffee and tea, and the java and me, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup!"

Not losing it after all

I was making dinner last night (which involved fabulous and fresh ingredients from Whole Foods; scallops, and the farmer's market; yellow tomatoes, basil, etc...) when I decided to check my voicemail.

I had a message that went a little something like this, "Hey Phaedra! So sorry that we couldn't talk more last week, but I'm glad I ran into you. This is your Tastefully Simple Consultant. I know you moved, but I don't think that I have your new address. Let me know if you need to reorder anything, talk to you soon!"

AH-HA! The farmer's market lady that knew me that I couldn't remember to save my life was my food consultant that I haven't seen in about 2 years. And she cut off all her hair too... and I've never seen her 3 kids (although I saw her one time when she was pregnant with one of them).

Come to think of it, she has done this to me once before! I met her about 4 years ago at a food party at my boss' wife's house. Months after our first meeting she saw me while we were in line at Q-doba. She was as pregnant as pregnant could be and in a gaggle of women. She said hi to me that time and I had a hard time placing her then too.

What is my deal with not being able to remember the Tastefully Simple lady?

I do need to re-order some Bacon-Bacon and Garlic-Garlic though! http://www.tastefullysimple.com/

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I paid a whopping $10 to attend an Alumni Networking event last night, and it was fabulous. I will go every time they have one of these things.

SECONDS after I walked in I had 2 new friends, Erik and Holly. In fact, Erik thought Holly and I knew each other. Everyone was SO friendly at this thing!

I obtained about 30 business cards, and passed out more than that. I bumped into a girl I knew from middle school, and two friends of a co-workers.

They had free drinks, and food, although I had diet sierra mist and a water. The food looked amazing, but I was too busy working the room!

By the night's end I had booked a wedding gig, been invited to a party, offered to trade web links with a guy, and met tons of new people.

What a good time! And I would fly solo next time. It's an excellent opportunity for SINGLES networking too. ;)

Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm Number Two!

I'm the most number-two-ing-est person around!

Second place is the first loser, etc....

I just found out that I came in SECOND on the DNR interview process. That means someone else was ever so slightly more qualified (and dare I think OLDER too) than me. So I don't get the job. =(

I did however get a personal call from the Supervisor telling me how well I interviewed and what good qualities I bring to the table. She told me that she is always looking to bring more good people to the DNR and she will personally recommend me to other Supervisors who are filling positions. She said she will call me personally to ensure I apply for these jobs, or she will have the hiring supervisor call me.

All in all, that is a LOT of trouble for her to be willing to go through for me. I appreciate it.

Maybe someday I can FINALLY be number one and get a fabulous new job.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

JC Penny

My mom got me a couple of tank tops from JC Penny, apparently they're having a big sale. Of course, they didn't fit properly. So I had to go there myself to exchange them.

The store (on a Saturday) was completely chaotic! But there were good deals to be had, and the AC was cold, so I tried some items on.

I ended up purchasing 11 items and returning 4.

There was a line as I went to the check-out and I got the sullen teen associate. First of all, she told me that she couldn't do "an exchange." She could sell me items and then return the other items. I've worked MORE than enough retail to know this is shite, and also even if it were true she should have returned the items first (giving me $$ for the sale) but she sold me the new items first. Grrr...

She missed one of those ink tags and I pointed it out to her. The whole experience pretty much blew.

I got home, and kept thinking about my total. How had it come to $87 when everything I got was like $6 or $3? I was sitting on the couch, doing laundry and watching a movie when I got my receipt and 2 bags of clothes and dug in.

This comparison of receipt vs. tags requires the ability to read a bar code (thanks retail jobs!) which I have.

Sure enough, the receipt read $11.98 and the tag read $6.98 on the first item. I should add that the difference is even GREATER than it appears as all clearance should have been an additional 20% off (so $6.98-1.40 was what my receipt SHOULD have read). And again, I was charged $9.98 and the tag was $5.98. And on and on. Out of 11 items, I was charged correctly for THREE.

I wondered, how many people besides me were overcharged today? How many noticed?

I wrote it all out on a sheet of paper, packed up the merchandise (tags still attached) and returned to JC Penny to get my money back.

As I explained the situation to another associate she was SO helpful and apologized for the inconvenience. A dude walked by and yelled (don't forget your gift card!). It turns out if they overcharge you, you get a giftcard. I don't know how much it's for, but I got one!

I ended up getting about $40 back. Holy hell! That's a SIGNIFICANT overcharge!

In the end, I'm super happy with the clothes I got (I even got MK a HOT little number!) and the deals were great. I will shop there again (that giftcard burns a hole in my wallet) but from now on I will ALWAYS watch the numbers as they ring up.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Too Young For Memory Loss

What is my problem? Sure I know a lot of people, but this doesn't often happen to me...

I was just at the farmer's market when a woman approached me and said, "Phaedra? Is that you under those funky glasses?" (note to readers: I own funky glasses, the pair I had on are pretty tame).

I said, "Yeah.... hi!"

The strange lady I can't place said, "I was wondering if I would see anyone I know here."

She had 3 kids with her, and I am RACKING my brain to think of who she is. Do I know here from school? College? Some job I once had? A friend of a friend? Through music? Nothing! I can't place her....

So she knew me, and I looked UNFRIENDLY or something because I just can't remember who she is.

Hmmm.... they say that the memory is the first thing to go.

Who? What? How do you work this new-fangled computer machine anyway?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Home Repairs

My handyman (who retired from his day job and is now MUCH more available!) has been coming over and getting quite a bit done at my house lately. We have a standing weekly appointment, I like that!

Here's a list of what we (or I) have recently done, and what is still to come. I have to remember that it basically took me 4 years to get the condo the way I liked it. I haven't even been in the house a year yet!

The list is always a work in progress, but here is a good start on the list.

Already Done:

Bought new refrigerator
Bought new dishwasher
Bought new washer
Bought new dryer

Replaced roof, complete tear off, with new 30-year shingles and new gutter guards

Sealed front and back doors (for heating/cooling efficiency and bug control)
Added new insulation to all basement rafters (for heating/cooling efficiency and bug control)

Leveled outside air conditioning unit (improves efficiency)

Patched concrete in garage

Caulked all showers and tubs

Painted multiple rooms

Home Repairs to do:

New Windows
New Siding
New gutters, and soffit
New electrical box

Install maple hard wood flooring (and tile where the vinyl is now)

Screen the Front Porch
Build roof over back door steps

Replace kitchen overhead light with new flextrack (or light with a fan?)
Paint kitchen
Replace all the kitchen pulls (from oak to polished stainless steel)
Replace kitchen hood (stainless)
Replace kitchen faucet (pull-out style)
Install mini-blinds on kitchen window

Add shelving to Closets
Add extra bar in one of master closets

Install bathroom fans in downstairs half-bath and master bath

Patch drywall inside garage
Paint garage interior white
Install shelving in garage

"Finish" basement
Add backs to stairs to basement
paint basement stairwell
Fix ventilation on water heater
Add large window or door to lowest grade side of basement for fire escape

Install crown molding in dining room and master bedroom
Add casing to doorway from dining to living room

Paint family room
Add "built in" style shelves to walls in living and family room.
Add mantle to fireplace.

Clean air ducts

Add insulation to attic

Remove cotton wood trees
Landscape yard
Install 6-foot wood fence
Get a better gate (possibly add gate on other side too)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

It's fabulous, a MUST SEE.

Even though the message and photos are grim (the earth is in trouble and we as people have caused it) there is hope, we can also FIX it. If we hurry and make the right changes.

Do your children and their children a favor, go see this film. And sign the petition too.

Ooooh, Burn!

I was getting my coffee this morning and holding the lid as I poured. When I accidentally dropped the lid my cat-like reflexes instinctively went to catch it. Unfortunately I tried to catch it with the hand holding the un-capped coffee.

I burned my hand with just below boiling level liquid. It's a very impressive red color, my whole hand. It must be about a 2nd degree burn, I even have a blister!

I just got back from Whole Foods where I got some essential lavender oil (helps heal burns). I've also been icing it for about an hour and a half, AND I've taken a bunch of ibuprofen.

I almost didn't mention this: OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Snatched Away...

I was coming here to write about my 4th of July, which after having multiple plans somehow ended up being me and Aldo in my driveway watching the nearby show. My new house is pretty close to the park where they have the fireworks, and amazingly Aldo was interested in watching (and listening) to them. So many dogs are freaked out by them, but he's my special little guy.

The whole 4th of July story seems meaningless when I learned this afternoon that one of my friends at work died on Sunday. Paul was 61 years old (although I read that in the obit, I never would have guessed he was over 50). There was a head-on collision on a nearby two lane highway, and even though he was wearing his seatbelt, he died. So did the other driver (who was not wearing a seatbelt).

Paul and I were JUST talking last week about how we need to sign up to take our insurance continuing ed classes together (we took them together two years ago). *sigh*

He was so friendly, and vibrant, and full of life just last week. It doesn't make sense that he was snatched away so suddenly. I still can't believe that I won't see him ever again. My heart goes out to his family.

The whole accident reminds me of Musevia's accident too. God, even though there were great injuries, she and her family were so lucky it wasn't worse.

I guess life is fragile and none of us should EVER take our loved ones for granted. Go now and give someone you love a big hug or kiss!

Monday, July 03, 2006

My Girl Melissa

I've kept track of Melissa since she was on The Real World. We e-mailed back and forth for a while... there is just something about her. I always feel like I know her when I read her blog. Today cracked me up, especially the link to the anti-marriage site at the very bottom.


Good times!


If you sing the Bingo was his name-o song except replace the Bingo with "Banjo" then you have an idea of what my day was like yesterday.

It began last week to be fair. I met a guy, and Banjo is his new nick-name-o! I love that, and he moderately dislikes the name, but humors me by allowing me to call him that.

Sunday morning he picked me up at 5:50 AM to leave for Indianapolis. His brother's girlfriend lives there and we went to meet them for a grand prix race at Indianapolis motor speedway. http://www.usgpindy.com/

There was a huge accident in the first lap which was hard to watch. We stayed for about 30 some laps, and got to see 3 pit stops. Those pit crews are AMAZING and so fast. They change 4 tires and get like 30 gallons of gas pumped into the car in SEVEN seconds, it's nuts). People around us were pretty drunk, which loses its charm quickly. I must have sweat/melted off about 5 lbs. It was like 100 degrees in the sun. We didn't stay for the end, we left after seeing the pit stops.

Then we went on the backwoods adventure to pick up Brie. It was really hard to find this place and we had to take THREE unmarked gravel roads to get there. When we arrived I was way less than impressed with the whole set up. They were hosing down kennels, so all 20 of their dogs were chained up outside. It was still like 100 degrees in the sun. The first dog we saw was a nursing mom with a festering wound on her side. I was instantly put off.

The whole thing was too sketchy. Brie wasn't that interested in me and then she began squatting. She must have squatted to pee about 10 times in 10 minutes. How in the hell was I going to take a dog like that home on a 6 hour car ride? Aldo played it smart when I picked him up, he came right to me and licked my face. I wasn't sure if this dog would be trainable...

I felt torn, on the one hand I wanted to save her, and on the other it seemed like it could be a total disaster.

I told Banjo that I needed him to tell me it was OK not to take her home. He said, "I didn't wat to say anything, because it's your decision. But she doesn't seem too into you, and I think there's a better dog for you out there. Somewhere there's the perfect dog with your name on it. It's OK to tell them no."

This was our third "date." But god, it's nice to meet someone who can support me that way.

I told the rescue woman that I was concerned that Brie needs medical attention with all the squatting and I was sorry that I wasn't going to take her. It really was the right thing to do. My little girl doggie is out there somewhere for me. I just need to keep my eyes and ears open.

So I spent over 16 hours with Banjo yesterday, and we're going out again either tomorrow or later this week. I like him, and apparently we can stand each other for a mega long day together. Always a good thing.