Surrounded by Success
I am having a bad-ass crabby Monday!
I found out that the newest addition to my office (she's straight out of school and has been here for 1 or 2 months TOPS and makes more than I do) is leaving next week. She got her DREAM job. **Insert pictures of heats and flowers here** The funny (not ha-ha, more like illegal) part about her hire is that the position was NEVER announced in the first place. Seeing as it pays more than my job, I would have applied for it.
I e-mailed my boss and the personnel manager today to express my interest in the job and I was told to basically "watch the announcements and apply accordingly." That's horseshit. It wasn't open to me before, and I'm sure it won't be this time either.
The problem is, I have no direct supervisor, they keep piling on the work and responsibilities and I keep doing my job. They have NO incentive to try to keep me, or to keep me happy unless I finally get an offer somewhere else. Then they'll try to get me to stay, and I'll be SO FAR GONE!
I'm practically waiting for them to change my job description to "The token 'girl' in the section, whose duties include girl work such as scheduling all meetings, preparing agendas, taking notes, keeping track of birthdays, party planning, wearing revealing clothing and making coffee for the men." Not to belittle anyone whose job it is to make coffee, but I'm NOT support staff! I manage a $450 million program budget! I have seniority over others who are MAKING MORE THAN I AM FOR LESS WORK.
Apparently all of my non-Union colleagues (who make more than I do) got raises last week. Of course I have not gotten one. And I pay about $500 a year to be in my union (what a deal!). A joke was made that everyone got a raise but me. Ha ha. EXCEPT IT'S TRUE!
I've just flipped my lid today. I'm surrounded by people I'm relating to less and less. I need a vacation, or a new life or something.
I need a new job soon, this is just so ridiculous.